Emergency Shelter

If you are homeless and need immediate assistance, please contact the Central Access Point (CAP) line at 513-381-SAFE (7233).  

  • Bethany House Services provides a safe place to live for families experiencing homelessness. Please know that we help as many families as possible, but we are not able to help everyone.  
  • Families come to us after calling the Central Access Point (CAP) line provided we have a room for them. 
  • We have 43 bedrooms each containing 2 or 3 bunk beds and can accommodate families of nearly any size.
  • We stabilize and meet the immediate needs for safety, housing, food, and other necessities.
  • While in shelter, parents receive a Case Manager who helps them obtain a living income (if necessary), organize a comfortable home, and provide a nurturing and structured environment for their children.
  • Children stay in their school of origin, are assisted with homework, and receive social and emotional support. 
  • Parents are cared for and given the space and tools to develop a realistic plan for a better future for themselves and their children.